恭賀~ 資訊 學院 113 學年度第 1 學期以下成果獲本校研究成果獎勵
年 1 月 1 日至 112 年 12 月 31 日)
系所 |
姓名 |
論文發表名稱 |
期刊 |
電腦科學與人工智慧學系 |
林義凱 |
A Meta-Learning Approach for Few-Shot
Face Forgery Segmentation and Classification |
Sensors, vol. 23(7), pp. 3647 |
電腦科學與人工智慧學系 |
林義凱 |
Few-Shot Training GAN for Face
Forgery Classification and Segmentation Based on the Fine-Tune Approach |
Electronics, vol. 12(6), pp. 1417 |
電腦科學與人工智慧學系 |
林彥廷 |
Development of an Educational
Chatbot System for Enhancing Students' Biology Learning Performance |
Journal of Internet
Technology, 24(2), 275- 281 |
10.53106/160792642023032402006 |
電腦科學與人工智慧學系 |
林彥廷 |
Learning Performances towards the BookRoll E- Book System for Flipped
Classrooms in Software Engineering Education |
Educational Technology &
Society, 26(3) 190-202 |
電腦科學與人工智慧學系 |
蔡進聰 |
Intelligent Synthesis of
Hyperspectral Images from Arbitrary Web Cameras in
Latent Sparse Space Reconstruction |
AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 11, pp. 27989-28009. |
10.3934/math.20231432 |
電腦科學與人工智慧學系 |
蔡進聰 |
Optimization of 3D Holographic Projection
for a Medical Image System using
Taguchi Method and Fuzzy Inference System |
Journal of Imaging Science and
Technology, Vol. 67, No.4, pp. 1-7. |
10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2023 .67.4.040402 |
電腦科學與人工智慧學系 |
楊政興 |
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image
Using Multiple Data-Hiders Sharing Algorithm |
Entropy, Vol. 25, No. 2 |
https://doi.org/10.3390/e25020209 |
電腦與通訊學系 |
蘇欣龍 |
A compact 12 x 12 MIMO loop antenna for
5G mobile phone applications |
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies |
https://doi.org/10.1017/S175907872 3000673 |
資訊管理學系 |
陳俊麟 |
An Experimental Detection of Distributed
Denial of Service Attack in CDX 3
Platform Based on Snort |
Sensors, 23(13), 6139 |
https://doi.org/10.3390/s23136139 |
智慧機器人學系 |
楊柏遠 |
Improvement Technique for Group Search Optimization using Experimental Design
Method |
Applied Sciences-Basel, 13(5), 3205 |
https://doi.org/10.3390/app1305320 5 |
智慧機器人學系 |
楊柏遠 |
Artificial Intelligence in Internet
of Things System for Predicting Water Quality in Aquaculture Fishponds |
Computer Systems Science and
Engineering, 46(3), 2861-2880 |
36810 |
智慧機器人學系 |
楊柏遠 |
Hybrid Optimization Algorithm
for Thermal Displacement Compensation of CNC Machine Tool using Regression
Analysis and Fuzzy Inference |
Science Progress, 106(0), 1-25. |
1171268 |
智慧機器人學系 |
楊柏遠 |
Hyperparameter Optimization of
Tapping Center Machines Model Using Robust Whale Optimization Algorithm |
Advances in Mechanical
Engineering, 15(5), 1-12. |
智慧機器人學系 |
董柏昌 |
Highly sensitive and stable room-temperature
gas sensors based on the photochemically activated p- type CuAlO2 thin films |
Volume 309 |
國際資訊科技與應用 碩士學位學程 |
張文智 |
Integrating Social Network
Analysis with Cooperative Learning in Programming Courses: A Case Study |
International Journal of Engineering Education (Vol.
39, No. 2) |
3.html |
國際資訊科技與應用 碩士學位學程 |
蔡安朝 |
EESRGAN: Efficient & Effective Super- Resolution Generative Adversarial Network |
IETE Technical Review Volume 41,2024, Pages200-211 |
https://doi.org/10.1080/02564602.20 23.2236071 |
國際資訊科技與應用 碩士學位學程 |
蔡安朝 |
Artificial Intelligent IoT-Based
Cognitive Hardware for Agricultural Precision
Analysis |
Mobile Networks and Applications |
資訊工程學系 |
蘇溢芳 |
Effective PM2.5 concentration
forecasting based on multiple spatial-temporal GNN for areas without monitoring stations |
Expert Systems with
Application 234:121074(2023) |
121074 |
資訊工程學系 |
蘇溢芳 |
Forecasting of Taiwan's weighted stock
Price index based on machine learning |
Expert Systems J. Knowl,
Eng 40(9) |
https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.13408 |
資訊工程學系 |
吳卓俊 |
An Energy-Efficient Embedded
System Platform for Energy-Critical Real-Time Tasks |
Engineering Letters, Vol. 31,
No. l , pp. 105- 112 |
issues_v31/issue_1/EL_31_1_10.pd f |